Get Colorado's Favorite CBD Cannabis at High Country Healing Silverthorne

Green Label CBD Strains

Have you been having weird dreams or suffering from any anxiety? Have you been struggling with chronic fatigue or joint pain? Our CBD strains are the perfect choice for you! Since the main focus in growing these strains is the CBD content, the THC is very low compared to most other cannabis strains. CBD strains are reported to be the best for pain relief by consumers.

High Country Healing has a rotating menu of strains. Our Green Label CBD Strains include:

Green Label CBD Effects

The most commonly reported effects are:

High Country Healing has spent years helping cannabis enthusiasts get pure, ethically-grown, high-quality cannabis. Drop into High Country Healing Silverthorne today – and let a budtender show you what we’re all about!

Our service area in Colorado includes other areas as well:


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